Cool whip cookies

 Introduction to Cool Whip Cookies

Have you ever stumbled upon a dessert recipe that’s not only mouthwateringly delicious but also incredibly easy to whip up? Well, let me introduce you to the world of Cool Whip cookies. These treats are a fantastic blend of simplicity and flavor, making them a go-to for both novice bakers and seasoned pros.

So, what exactly are Cool Whip cookies

In essence, they’re a genius combination of cake mix and whipped topping, creating a delightfully soft cookie yet with a slight chewiness. The beauty of these cookies lies in their versatility. Whether you’re craving a chocolatey delight or a zesty lemon treat, the base recipe adapts seamlessly to your taste buds.

Now, you might be wondering, “Why are these cookies gaining so much popularity?” The answer is straightforward. First off, they require minimal ingredients – typically just a box of your favorite cake mix, a tub of Cool Whip, an egg, and some powdered sugar. Secondly, the preparation is a breeze. You’re essentially mixing, rolling, and baking – no complicated steps or techniques are needed.

Moreover, Cool Whip cookies are perfect for those last-minute dessert cravings or when you need to prepare something quick for a gathering. They’re also a fantastic project for kids, introducing them to the joys of baking without the complexities of more intricate recipes.

But the real charm of these Cool Whip Cookies?

 It’s their ability to be customized. From the choice of cake mix to the addition of mix-ins and toppings, these cookies are a blank canvas for your culinary creativity. And let’s not forget, they’re a fantastic way to make baking a fun, family activity.

In the upcoming sections, we’ll dive deeper into the specifics of making these delightful cookies, including tips for achieving the perfect texture and flavor. So, stay tuned, and let’s embark on this sweet journey together!

The Basic Recipe Cool Whip Cookies

Let’s get down to business and talk about the heart of our sweet endeavor – the basic recipe for Cool Whip cookies. Trust me, it’s so easy, you’ll be baking these beauties in no time!

Ingredients Needed

  • 1 box of your favorite cake mix (chocolate, vanilla, lemon – you name it!)
  • 1 (8-ounce) container of Cool Whip (feel free to use the regular or low-fat version)
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 cup of powdered sugar (for that perfect finishing touch)

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F. This step is crucial for ensuring your cookies bake evenly.
  2. Line your baking sheets with parchment paper. This little trick helps in easy removal and cleanup.
  3. Mix the cake mix, Cool Whip, and egg in a large bowl until well combined. The dough will be sticky, but that’s exactly what we want.
  4. Scoop the dough using a cookie scoop or spoon, and roll each ball in powdered sugar. This not only adds sweetness but also gives that classic crinkle look.
  5. Place the dough balls on your prepared baking sheets, leaving enough space between each for spreading.
  6. Bake for about 10-12 minutes. You’re looking for a beautiful crackle top and a soft center.
  7. Cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring to a wire rack.

Variations in Cake Mix Flavors

This is where the fun begins! The type of cake mix you choose can completely transform your cookies. Fancy a rich, chocolatey treat? Go for a devil’s food or chocolate fudge cake mix. If you’re in the mood for something lighter, a vanilla or Funfetti mix can be delightful. And for those who love a tangy twist, lemon or orange cake mixes are your best bet. The possibilities are endless, and each brings its unique flavor profile to these simple yet scrumptious cookies.

In the next part, we’ll explore some top tips to ensure your Cool Whip cookies turn out perfectly every time. So, don’t go anywhere – the best is yet to come

Tips for Perfect Cookies

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s dive into some insider tips to elevate your Cool Whip cookies from good to absolutely irresistible. After all, it’s the little details that make a big difference!

Importance of Dough Consistency

The key to perfect Cool Whip cookies lies in the dough’s consistency. You want it to be sticky, but manageable. If it’s too runny, your cookies will spread too much and lose their shape. On the flip side, if it’s too thick, they won’t spread enough, resulting in a denser texture. So, what’s the secret? If you find the dough too sticky to handle, don’t hesitate to chill it in the fridge for about 20-30 minutes. This will make it easier to roll and will also help in achieving that perfect crinkle top.

Tips for Rolling and Coating

Rolling the dough in powdered sugar not only adds a sweet finish but also contributes to the cookies’ signature look. To get an even coating, gently roll each dough ball in the sugar until it’s fully covered. This step is not just for aesthetics; it also creates a lovely contrast in texture between the soft interior and the slightly crisp exterior.

Baking Techniques for the Perfect Texture

Baking is where the magic happens. To ensure your cookies have that desirable soft center with a slight chewiness, keep an eye on the baking time. Overbaking is a common pitfall – it can turn your delightful treats into hard, dry discs. Aim for 10-12 minutes in the oven, and remember, they will continue to cook slightly on the baking sheet once you take them out. Also, rotating the baking sheets halfway through the baking process ensures even cooking, giving each cookie its moment in the spotlight.

In the next part, we’ll explore how to customize your Cool Whip cookies with various flavors and add-ins. Get ready to unleash your creativity and add a personal touch to these delightful treats!

Customizing Your Cool Whip Cookies

One of the most exciting aspects of baking Cool Whip cookies is the endless possibilities for customization. Whether you’re a fan of classic flavors or enjoy experimenting with new combinations, these cookies are your canvas. Let’s explore some creative ways to personalize your batch.

Flavor Variations

The choice of cake mix sets the foundational flavor for your cookies. But why stop there? You can infuse additional flavors to make them even more special. How about adding a teaspoon of vanilla extract to a vanilla cake mix for a deeper flavor? Or a pinch of cinnamon to a spice cake mix for a warm, comforting note? Citrus zests, like lemon or orange, can add a refreshing zing to your cookies, especially when paired with a complementary cake mix.

Adding Mix-ins and Toppings

Mix-ins can transform the texture and taste of your cookies. Consider folding in chocolate chips, nuts, or dried fruit to the dough for an extra layer of flavor and texture. If you’re feeling adventurous, how about some crushed candy canes for a festive twist? Or swirl in some caramel or peanut butter for a decadent treat. The key is to add these mix-ins right before you scoop and roll the dough in powdered sugar.

Creative Presentation Ideas Cool Whip Cookies

Presentation can turn your Cool Whip cookies into a showstopper. Once baked and cooled, drizzle them with melted chocolate or a simple glaze for an elegant touch. Sprinkles, edible glitter, or colored sugar can add a playful element, perfect for parties or special occasions. For a more sophisticated finish, a dusting of cocoa powder or a dollop of fruit preserve can do wonders.

In the next part, we’ll delve into the nutritional information of these cookies, helping you understand their place in your diet. Stay tuned as we continue to unravel the delicious world of Cool Whip cookies!

Nutritional Information Cool Whip Cookies

While indulging in the delightful world of Cool Whip cookies, it’s also important to be mindful of their nutritional aspects. Understanding this can help you enjoy these treats in a balanced way. Let’s break down the nutritional content and consider dietary considerations.

Caloric Content and Serving Size 

The caloric content of Cool Whip cookies largely depends on the ingredients used, particularly the type of cake mix and Cool Whip. On average, a single cookie could range from 100 to 150 calories. Remember, moderation is key! Enjoying one or two cookies as a treat can easily fit into a balanced diet. Be mindful of serving sizes, especially if you’re watching your calorie intake.

Dietary Considerations

It’s essential to consider dietary needs and restrictions. For those with gluten sensitivities, opting for a gluten-free cake mix is a great alternative. If you’re watching your sugar intake, consider using a sugar-free cake mix and a low-calorie sweetener instead of powdered sugar. For a dairy-free version, check for dairy-free whipped toppings available in the market. Always read the labels of your ingredients to ensure they align with your dietary requirements.

In the next part, we’ll discuss the best ways to store and preserve your Cool Whip cookies, ensuring they stay fresh and delicious for as long as possible. So, don’t go anywhere – we’re about to unlock the secrets to extending the life of your homemade treats!

 Storage and Preservation

After enjoying the process of making and savoring Cool Whip cookies, it’s essential to know how to store them properly. Proper storage not only keeps them fresh but also maintains their delightful texture and flavor. Let’s dive into the best practices for storing and preserving these cookies.

Storing at Room Temperature

Cool Whip cookies generally stay fresh when stored in an airtight container at room temperature. This method keeps them soft and chewy for about 3-4 days. It’s crucial to ensure the cookies have completely cooled before storing them to prevent condensation, which can make them soggy. If you’re in a humid environment, add a piece of bread to the container; it helps absorb excess moisture, keeping your cookies in optimal condition.

Freezing Baked Cool Whip Cookies

Freezing is an excellent option if you want to extend the shelf life of your cookies. Once the cookies have cooled, place them in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze until solid. Then, transfer them to a freezer-safe bag or container. This method prevents the cookies from sticking together. When you’re ready to enjoy them, thaw at room temperature for a few hours. They can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months.

Freezing Cookie Dough

For freshly baked cookies on demand, consider freezing the dough. Scoop and roll the dough balls as if you were about to bake them, then place them on a baking sheet and freeze until solid. Transfer the frozen dough balls to a freezer-safe bag. When you’re ready to bake, there’s no need to thaw; add a couple of minutes to the baking time. This method is perfect for enjoying warm, freshly baked cookies without the prep work.

In the next part, we’ll address some frequently asked questions about Cool Whip cookies. This section aims to clear up any uncertainties and provide additional tips to ensure your baking success. Stay tuned for these helpful insights!

FAQs Cool Whip Cookies

In this section, we’ll tackle some of the most commonly asked questions about Cool Whip cookies. These insights will help you perfect your cookie-making skills and inspire you to experiment with new ideas.

Can I Use Homemade Whipped Cream?

Yes, you can! If you prefer homemade whipped cream over store-bought Cool Whip, it’s a viable option. Just ensure that your homemade whipped cream is stiffly beaten to mimic the consistency of Cool Whip. This substitution might slightly alter the texture and flavor of the cookies, but it’s a great way to add a personal touch.

How to Prevent Cookies from Flattening?

Chilling the dough is key to preventing your cookies from flattening too much. If the dough is too warm, it will spread quickly in the oven, resulting in flatter cookies. Chilling the dough for at least 30 minutes before baking helps maintain the dough’s shape, leading to thicker, more textured cookies. Also, make sure not to over-grease your baking sheets, as this can also cause spreading.

Can These Cookies Be Made Gluten-Free?

Absolutely! To make gluten-free Cool Whip cookies, use a gluten-free cake mix. The rest of the recipe remains the same. It’s a straightforward swap that allows those with gluten sensitivities to enjoy these delightful treats without worry.

What are the best ways to serve and present these cookies?

Cool Whip cookies are versatile when it comes to serving and presentation. For a casual treat, serve them as they are, perhaps with a glass of milk or a cup of coffee. For a more decorative presentation, drizzle them with a simple icing, sprinkle with powdered sugar, or add a dollop of whipped cream on top. They’re also great for gifting; pack them in a pretty box or a cellophane bag tied with a ribbon for a thoughtful homemade gift.

In the next part, we’ll wrap up our comprehensive guide to Cool Whip cookies. We’ll recap the key points and share some final thoughts to inspire your baking adventures. So, let’s bring this sweet journey to a delightful close!

  1. In the section Part 2: The Basic Recipe, where different cake mix flavors are discussed, you can link to the article “Easy Cake Mix Muffins Recipes”. Suggested anchor text: “For more creative ideas on using cake mix, check out our Easy Cake Mix Muffins Recipes.”
  2. In Part 4: Customizing Your Cookies, especially when talking about adding citrus zest or flavors, link to “Lemon Bars Graham Cracker Crust Recipe”. Suggested anchor text: “Explore our Lemon Bars Graham Cracker Crust Recipe for more citrus-inspired baking ideas.”
  3. In Part 6: Storage and Preservation, where freezing cookie dough is mentioned, you can link to “Pumpkin Dump Cake”, which might offer insights into other dessert recipes that can be prepared ahead. Suggested anchor text: “Discover more make-ahead dessert ideas like our Pumpkin Dump Cake.”
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cool whip cookies

cool whip cookies

  • Author: Alice Barry
  • Total Time: 22 minutes
  • Yield: Approximately 24 cookies 1x
  • Diet: Vegetarian


Cool Whip Cookies are a delightful and easy-to-make treat that combines the convenience of cake mix with the light, fluffy texture of whipped topping. These cookies are known for their crinkly tops and soft, chewy centers. Perfect for any occasion, they can be customized with various flavors and mix-ins, making them a versatile choice for both novice and experienced bakers.


  • 1 box (about 15.25 oz) of cake mix (any flavor)
  • 1 (8 oz) container of Cool Whip, thawed
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 cup of powdered sugar (for rolling)


  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and line baking sheets with parchment paper.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the cake mix, Cool Whip, and egg. Mix until well blended.
  3. Form dough into small balls, about 1 inch in diameter.
  4. Roll each ball in powdered sugar until completely coated.
  5. Place the dough balls on the prepared baking sheets, spacing them about 2 inches apart.
  6. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes, or until the edges are set and the tops are crinkly.
  7. Allow the cookies to cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.


  • Feel free to experiment with different cake mix flavors for variety.
  • For a festive twist, add mix-ins like chocolate chips, nuts, or sprinkles to the dough.
  • Store cookies in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 4 days.
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 12 minutes
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: American